

Full member: Following a nomination in writing and upon the approval of the committee a general meeting shall have the power to grant a full membership. Full member has a right to vote and be elected as an office bearer. A member has to be an ordinary member for the duration of one year before a member is entitled for a full membership.

Ordinary member: An ordinary member shall be a member who is not a life or honorary or full member or associate member and has no voting rights.

Associate member: An associate member shall be a member who is not a life or honorary or full member or ordinary member, and who can demonstrate that they are a current and paid up member of an associated accordion organisation - and has no voting rights. A list of acceptable associated accordion organisations can be provided to any member applicants upon request, and may be updated or modified from time to time as the committee sees fit.

Family membership: Parents and children living at the same address.

Membership Application Form

and for the following members of my family (if applicable):

1 Family Member

2 Family Member

3 Family Member

4 Family Member

5 Family Member

6 Family Member


Please copy and keep a record of your candidate code.
Use your candidate code as a reference when paying for competition fees using PayPal or Online Money Transfer.
Please copy and paste your candidate code into the 'Messages for the Competition Secretary' box below.

Messages for the Competition Secretary

By submitting this membership form, all the people listed above hereby agree to the following:

  • To be loyal to the Association and to be bound by the rules of the Association and its Constitution, as amended from time to time.
  • That the AATA and all AATA Officials accept no responsibility for any loss or injury caused to or incurred by any person attending any event of the AATA and that any responsibility shall be with the relevant venue provider.
  • If any person listed above is under eighteen years of age, the participant's parents or guardian have read and understood this clause.
  • Nothing in the above is intended to breach any legislation.

A copy of this membership form will be emailed to the contact email address given above.